The Peace Collective is a platform that allows Canadians to show pride in who they are and what they believe in all while giving back to their community.
So far we’ve accomplished this with products that allow Canadians to show their pride coupled with our one-for-one model that supports Canadian youth. We believe in ordinary Canadians doing extraordinary things. So, if you’re a Canadian chasing a dream, giving back to your community or have an amazing story to tell, you’re part of the Peace Collective.
In the last year we at Peace Collective have been working diligently to strengthen this messaging and to rally Canadians around the concept of chasing a passion. Together we have made great strides towards this goal, but it’s just the start
Today we are proud to announce “Project: My Canada.”
This project is our commitment to becoming more than just an apparel company. It’s our commitment to becoming one of the premier Canadian lifestyle brands and our commitment to becoming a nation-wide platform for Canadian pride.
#MyCanada represents an open dialogue we’re excited to have. It’s a deeper conversation about what it means to be Canadian and is told through sharing our story and telling the stories of other Canadians coast-to-coast. When discussing Canadian identity, even within Canada, the first thought is always stereotypical. It’s maple syrup, poutine, igloos and snow. It’s stories about plaid shirts, drinking beer and watching the hockey game. Don’t get us wrong, all of these thing are great and may represent what it means to be Canadian for some, but is it representative of the ENTIRE Canadian culture? We don’t believe so.
Canada is one of the most multicultural countries in the world and a majority of Canadians originate from different cultures and different walks of life. We know that the Canadian identity is much deeper than a stereotype and this project seeks to uncover that. We’ll be painting Canada’s identity by sharing real life stories from different Canadians coast-to-coast. By telling the unique stories of Canadians, and highlighting their passions and dreams, we hope to put together a mosaic of unique perspectives of what it means to be Canadian. This is the beautiful thing about Canada, there is no single Canadian identity. We each live a unique life, filled with unique ambitions, hopes, dreams and struggles. We each have different upbringings and a different perspective of the world. Home is Canada means something different to every Canadian.
Every week for the next two months we’ll be releasing a new project to paint a picture of what “Our Canada” consists of. As we tell our story we want to hear what your #MyCanada is. What makes you excited to wake up in the morning? What are you passionate about? What does Home is Canada mean to you?
We want to share your story with the rest of the community through our website and our social media. We will be reading all of the stories you submit between April 6th, 2016 to May 30th 2016 and on June 1st, we will select the ones that inspires and touches us the most to be entered into a contest to win the Ultimate Canadian Trip (to be announced on June 1st). You can submit your story via the platform of your choice.

Stay tuned and much love.
Visit to submit your #MyCanada story: http://bit.ly/1pIqg3A
Send us an email at mycanada@peace-collective.com
Send us a DM on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.